Title I Services

Title I Information

Title I funding is dedicated to providing services for students at Stoney Creek Elementary School and Pine Island Elementary School.  The Title I program works with identified students who need additional learning opportunities and instruction to master the core curriculum.

Program Description

Students are provided direct instruction by a highly qualified teacher. Parents/Guardians give consent to have their student participate in the program. This intervention is meant to be short-term, however, the intervention will be available longer if appropriate. Students are given a pre-assessment upon entry, post-assessment upon exiting, and assessments as needed during instruction.

Title I Brochure

Title I Information for Parents


Family Engagement

Parent and Family Engagement Plan 20-21

Read at Home Plans K-3 English

Read at Home Plans K-3 Spanish

SC Family Compact  - English 

SC Family Compact - Spanish

PI Family Compact  - English/Spanish

Summer Reading Clubs 2023